Что одевают в гробу - Jewish traditions of Burial and mourning

The 'Counter-Jihad': A Trojan Horse for the Far-Right?

Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати: О. Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М. Гурвич Владимир Александрович : другие произведения.

Наш земляк Ребе Менахем-Мендл Шнеерсон

ON THE ROAD На пути We follow the unfolding of the intense conversation in a country inn during a snow-storm between a big, powerful man who is resting there for the night with his daughter and a young noblewoman on her way to her family property nearby. The man has done everything, seen everything and believed in everything, and opens his soul to his fellow-traveller, especially about the role women had played in his life. ENEMIES Враги On a dark autumn evening the only child of the district doctor Kirilov has just died of diphtheria when a well-dressed man arrives at his door in a panic, urgently requesting that the doctor come to care for his wife. Kirilov is completely stunned with despair at what has happened and can hardly talk, but the man insists and Kirilov acknowledges that he is obliged to go with him.

Сборник "Studia Anthropologica" посвящается юбилею известного российского антрополога Михаила Анатольевича Чле. Russian Pages [] Year Se sei arrivato su questa pagina, significa che la tua carriera.

Jewish traditions of Burial and mourning
(PDF) Наш земляк Ребе Менахем-Мендл Шнеерсон | Владимир Щукин and Лариса Левченко - sozvezdie-talantov.ru
(PDF) The 'Counter-Jihad': A Trojan Horse for the Far-Right? | Alexander Carter - sozvezdie-talantov.ru
Orthodox Christian — Православный Христианин | Бедная Вика, или новая ЧК

Anglican confession of faith 39 Articles — англиканское исповедание веры 39 принципов. Апокалипсис последняя книга Нового Завета 2. Authorized Version — английский перевод Библии принят англиканской церковью. Babel — Вавилон; the tower of Babel — вавилонская башня 2.

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